Announcing Social Leverage Capital Fund IV

We are thrilled to announce the closing of our Social Leverage Capital Fund IV, LP, a $99M seed-stage fund focused on backing exceptional founders in the Fintech, Enterprise SaaS and Consumer space. 

Since our inception in 2009, we have been seed-stage investors in some of the world’s leading startups, including Robinhood, eToro, Kustomer and Manscaped and have made investments in over 150 seed stage companies to date. As our fund size has grown, so has our ability to invest additional capital as the portfolio raises later stage capital. 

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In addition to backing great founders and their exemplary visions, we also take immense pride in being their first call. Whether it’s hiring, building company culture, getting strategic partnerships, or raising their next round, we love helping them with all of it and work to be their biggest cheerleaders. As implied by our name, our ethos from the beginning has been that social leverage is the new financial leverage. The network is the thing.

We have stuck to our original seed stage style over the years which is more art than science.  We like to make relatively quick decisions because we trust our network and instincts. 

Thank you to all of our LPs, most of whom have been long-term backers of Social Leverage. We are very grateful for your trust and support. And we are equally thankful to our incredible founders who do the hard work on a daily basis. Your passion, creativity and relentless grit is a continued source of inspiration to us all. 

We can’t wait to welcome more amazing founders and teams into our portfolio. If you are ready to build a Fintech, Consumer or Enterprise SaaS company, we want to hear from you! 

P.S. Stay up to date with what is happening in the Social Leverage family in real-time by following via Twitter, Linkedin or our blog