Lessons for Founders from Navy SEALs

I heard two inspiring lessons from two different Navy SEALs on two different podcasts that stuck with me over the years. I’m sorry I can’t remember who the SEALs were, or which podcasts. I believe one of the lessons came from a Joe Rogan clip on YouTube.

Maybe you don’t think there’s much of a comparison between starting a company and going through BUD/S, but I’d argue the two lessons apply:

The first lesson was from a SEAL who was asked about getting through the training process. He said that rather than look at the totality of the 6 months he was going to spend at BUD/S, he would just focus on making it to his next meal. He reasoned he had to be fed at least six times a day, and if he could just make it to the next meal, he’d be ok. Those in his class who looked at the totality of the misery about to last for six months, didn’t make it.

The second lesson was from another SEAL who was asked the same question. He mentioned that the candidates who voiced their fears out loud were the ones who didn’t make it. He noted that while it’s okay to have inner doubts, voicing negative thoughts out loud can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, whatever you’re going through as a founder, just make it to your next meal, to the next day — whatever it takes. And while you may have inner-doubts, try not to voice them out loud.